Website Looks Great... Now What?
There are however, methodical strategies can be employed to get noticed in the search engines, and although promises can’t be made, it is very possible to move closer to the top or at least the first page of search results. To do this yourself, you would need to be able to navigate the intricacies, and master the ever changing tactics that will make your Website more Relevant, and more Popular. The good news is that it is totally free… that is of course if you put no value on your time. The costs involved with SEO are straightforward… It takes obscene amounts of time, patience, and knowledge and even then, performance simply cannot be guaranteed.
SEO is a process, and overnight results even with a huge budget, would essentially be impossible. In many cases, there is a window of one to six months to see improvement in your SERP (Search Engine Result Page) position. Guidelines for search across all platforms are in a constant state of change… This makes the art of SEO considerably more challenging but it is a task that we meet head on.